Quotes are valid for 28 days from date of issue, after which a new quote may be required.
All payments are required on the day, immediately upon completion of the job. Long Distance/ Work quoted over £500 require 50% paid in advance of starting the work. We accept the following methods of payment: Google Pay, Apple Pay, Credit/ Debit card, Cash, Bank Transfer.
Refunds will only be made to the original payment method.
Delivery Note (proof of no damage)/ Waste Transfer Note to be signed by client or an adult over 16 years acting on their behalf. Any claims for damages must be reported prior to signing delivery note
Sofas/ Large Furniture Items: It is the clients responsibility to ensure there is sufficient space through doorways/halls/stairs etc for the crew to make a safe delivery. Please measure to check there is sufficient access & route is free from obstruction. If the crew cannot safely get an item inside, then a doorstep delivery will occur.
Additional items.. Items added after you have made a booking, may incur further charges.
House Moves. All house moves/property relocations are charged by the hour (the only exception to this, is moving to/from fully furnished accommodation) You must have all Items packed/ disconnected etc and ready for the crew to load up. The crew can pack the van more efficiently if they can clearly see everything on arrival.
We DO NOT carry passengers or pets/livestock. You must arrange your own transport as required.
As you are all aware, being Business owners, the self employed environment has been made increasingly difficult, due to ever increasing costs, Rules and Regulations, which puts an added strain on small businesses,and increasing demands such as cash flow and increased Hours to survive.
Due to the above aforementioned we have been notified by our suppliers that our invoicing is no longer monthly and as been brought forward to fortnightly, therefore this has left us no choice but to bring forward payments on accounts due to us from 14 days to 8 days to ensure cash flow to pay our suppliers.
For a period of time some accounts
have, on a regular basis been well overdue. As a small business, with the earlier payment dates, we have paid the costs before your payment has been received, we will not be able to sustain this, and request all invoices to be paid within 7 days.
Thank you in advance for understanding the above and we look forward to continuing business partnerships.
You have the right to cancel at any time prior to the work commencing.
Should you wish to cancel during the duration of the work being carried out, you will be charged proportionally to our quote/time.